Celebrate the Love You Are

“To love another person is to see the face of God” ~ Les Miserables
February is the month to celebrate love! Though I feel it is to be celebrated daily, it is a wonderful time to reflect and do something special for those we love. I usually buy a special treat for my children and make one of our favorite meals. I will also do something special for myself. Valentines is a  special time to celebrate and let those I love know how much I love them.

I have some self-reflection questions for you this Valentines.  Have you included YOU in your Valentines celebrations”? Will you be doing anything special to celebrate who you are and what you have to give others? When we give to others we are sharing a part of ourselves. Whether we give through a gift, a kind gesture, or share our affection, it is an extension of who we are. We are celebrating and sharing the love we are with others.It is also wonderful to receive from others. The perfect balance of giving and receiving allows us to feel whole and complete. It reminds us of the divine love within us that is eternally connected to God.

Self Criticism and negative thoughts create a barrier to love. Love can’t get in or out.  When we have a deep sense of self love, we can genuinely love those around us completely and without conditions. Self criticism spills over into your relationships like poison. Learning to master your self talk takes lots of practice! As you are persistent with mastering your thoughts by choosing the positive ones, the love that you are will shine brighter!

If you struggle with self criticism here are some steps to help you release them and become free:

1. Write down three negative thoughts that continue to pull you down and block you from giving and receiving more love?
2. Reflect on how long you have had these thoughts. How old were you when you started to believe them? Who did you hear them from?
3. Reflect on how these thoughts make you feel. Write down your feelings on the paper.
4 Ask yourself if the negative feelings are serving you in anyway? Then reflect on how you are being limited buy believing these negative thoughts and feelings.Are you ready to let them go?
5. Write down on a separate piece of paper what positive thoughts you want to choose to believe about yourself, about love, and who you are.
6. Destroy the paper with the negative thoughts. You can burn it, tear it up, or crumble it up and put it in the trash. Allow yourself to be aware of what you feel in your body when you do this.
7. Repeat your positive thoughts out loud ten times. Notice how your body feels when you do this.
8. Repeat this as often as needed to get rid of negative thoughts.

This is one of the most powerful tools I share with my coaching clients to help them break free from self criticism. It has been a powerful tool in my life and allows me to celebrate who I am and express who I am in the world freely. I share this with you because I know you have an infinite amount of love within you. This world needs your love! Those around you need your love! Your love  is powerful and can make this world a better place. It begins with changing YOUR WORLD through loving yourself first. So I  invite you to let go of anything that is in the way of you fully embracing the love that you are. The time is now to celebrate who you are!

Sending my love wrapped in peace and joy!

Johnna Andrea Tuttle

Copyright © February 9,2016, Andrea’s, Wellness Center All rights reserved

Dreams Come True

I have wanted to go to the Redwoods for several years. Well, an unexpected trip to California landed me right in the middle of a dream come true.Do you find yourself wondering if some of the things you want will ever happen? To be honest I ponder that question often. I wonder why somethings manifest so easily and effortlessly and why somethings take time or never manifest. What is the  secret to manifesting what you want?  I don’t have all the answers. I find that manifesting my dreams is a constant learning process with God guiding me along the way. I always leave room for his dream for me to manifest and do my best to stay out of the way. I realize I am limited in what I can see to bless my life.That is when I align myself with God’s will and surrender. There are also times when my Heavenly Father reminds me that it is essential to my spiritual progression to learn to be a creator and to manifest what I want. Balancing these two important lessons keeps my faith strong and allows me the freedom to grow as a woman of God.

Here are some of the tools I use to manifest my dreams:

1.Journal Writing- The first step in manifesting is listening to the personal revelation you receive for your life. I will begin to write out my feelings and what I am going through. Then I take time to listen to what experiences Heavenly Father would like to bring into my life and write it down in my journal. Writing is taking the spiritual(inspiration) world and bringing it into the physical(journal) world. God created everything spiritually before he created it physically.
2.Vision Board- I use a nine square vision board to list the things I want to manifest. I hand write some of the items and use photos. I put three easy items, three difficult items, and three outrageous items that seem impossible. Your vision board should have different levels so you can reach beyond your limitations and create what you think is impossible,possible. I teach this method in my coaching programs. There is scientific evidence on why this method works. I won’t go into the details with you now, however you can contact me if you would be interested in learning more about it.
3.Visualization- Guided visualization is another tool to help us manifest what we want. Our mind doesn’t know the difference between a visualization and the actual experience. It accepts both as reality. When we visualize what we want our mind, body, and spirit has that experience in that moment. It is taking that spiritual inspiration and bringing it into the physical body. We have to believe it is possible before it can happen.
4.Trust- This requires us to completely trust in ourselves, our Creator, and the angels to assist us. We have to let go and trust that it will manifest. You need to realize somethings will manifest instantly and some things take time. I have also discovered that what I want to manifest changes and I have had to learn how to be flexible. Sometimes I take things off my vision board and change it. I know God is in charge and he doesn’t want to limit me in any way. I am the one that needs to stay out of my own way and not limit myself.
5.Meditation- Learning to become still and listen to your soul through meditation helps us to find the creator within us. There is a power within us that is capable of creating worlds without end. We are children of God. We have the same power he does. There is a deep humility that arises within us when we find this part of ourselves. It is beautiful awakening of our truth.
6.Expect the Unexpected- My dreams always come when I don’t expect it. This is what  makes the journey of creating so exciting and fun! I love it!
7.Accept the Gift with Gratitude- Everything is a gift from God. You created and manifested your goal or dream through the power of God. The power of God that is in you and the power of God Heavenly Father shared with you to create and manifest your dreams. Each time I receive the gift of a dream coming true, my heart opens wider to receive God’s love for me. From the simplest desire to the biggest desire I praise God for his hand in my life.

Walking in the Redwoods with my granddaughter is a dream come true I will cherish forever. I didn’t know I was going to California until I few days before the trip. My life was extremely busy and I had worked 72 hours a week reaching a goal for a career change I decided to make. My anxiety was high, I was exhausted, and my life was in transition.  I got a call from a family member who was taking a trip to California  to see some ill family members.They wanted to stop in Idaho to see me along the way. Their car wasn’t in the best condition to take a long trip.The next thing I knew I offered them use of my car to finish the trip and I was on a road trip with them to the California Redwoods. This was actually NOT the best time to take a road trip, however when what you want shows up, you take it!! Things don’t always show up exactly how you imagine, but they do show up in mysterious ways.It was a great bonding time for me and my granddaughter. The healing that occurred after one day on the beach and in the Redwoods did more for me than anything else I did all year. Even though it was a short trip the experience is something I will hold onto forever. It wasn’t just another item off my vision board. It was a dream come true!

Love and light,

Johnna Andrea Tuttle

Copyright © September 11, 2016, Andrea’s Wellness Center, All rights reserved.

Questions that Open the Possibilities for Change

I begin my day walking in nature, pondering life, and asking God questions. One of the first questions I ask is, “How can I make a difference in the world?” This is a great way to be open to align myself with my purpose and God’s will. Some of the things we do may be grand and others things may be small. All are essential to benefit humanity. Through small and great things, we can make a positive change that will have a ripple effect on others, including ourselves.

These 10 questions can open up positive loving energy in your life and have a positive effect on those around you. Remember not to let your mind try to figure out the “How?” Let the universe figure out the how. Just open the door to the possibilities of the question you ask.

There are unlimited possibilities of how your day can unfold. Asking questions opens the doors to possibilities. These are just a few examples.  I suggest thinking of some of your own. It is important that you make it personal between you and God. If you will practice asking questions in the morning it will open your heart to the goodness within you, and the goodness in the world.

I suggest asking with real intent, humility, and a desire to serve others.   The best time to ask is first thing in the morning. Then go about your day and allow the opportunity to present itself. Then watch the miracle happen…………


1)      “How can I make a difference in the world?”

2)      “How can I show someone I love them today?”

3)      What emotions can I let go of today?

4)      How do I turn my weaknesses into strengths?

5)      Who do I need to forgive?

6)      What am I holding onto that no longer serves me?

7)      How can I enjoy more beauty in my life?

8)      Who can I kiss, hug, and tell I love you today?

9)      How can I share my spiritual gifts today?

10)   How much love can I accept from God today?


There is something more that happens than just receiving the answer to these questions. If you allow yourself to be guided you will witness the beauty of spirit unfolding before your eyes. It is a great tool to free your mind and open your heart to what is available to experience through divine power.

It is worth the experience. Give it a try!

Love and light,

Johnna Andrea Tuttle

Copyright © September 23,  2013, Andrea’s Wellness Center, All rights reserved