It is ALL Good

Yesterday my daughter and I went for a two hour walk. During that time I was sharing that everything has a positive outcome. Even if you make a mistake somehow the universe will turn it into a positive experience for your soul’s growth.   I have realized over the years that it is impossible for good not to come! It always does! There are always blessings that come from every experience.  I have no more judgments of bad or good experiences because what seemed to be bad always turned out good. There is the constant force of light moving us forward to grow spiritually to evolve and embrace our divine nature. I have experienced a powerful loving energy that supports me to expand into Christ consciousness when I live in gratitude for every experience. When you make a conscious choice to see the positive in every situation, there is a miracle that awaits you, if you will listen to spirit and be aware.

When you change your focus to the positive in your life,  inspiration, solutions, truth, and understanding comes. There is good in all things.  Doors of opportunity are open even when you can’t see them. Love, abundance, peace, and joy is available the moment you are willing to stop resisting and accept it.

There is immeasurable value for you and your experiences. It is for your growth and the growth of everyone around you. BE THE ONE who will choose to see the good in everyone and everything. We are all connected and we touch each other’s lives whether we are aware or not. When we support ourselves and each other with positive thoughts and words, our souls are nurtured.

The universe is always, always, always, moving us, guiding us, and supporting us to see the Divine in all things.  It is all around us. It is in us! It is our soul’s purpose to receive good, to learn from good, to remember we are good. All is good. All is God. Opposition is the big illusion! When you face the opposition and focus on the good, the opposition loses power.  The miracle of peace comes and spirit can move freely to guide you in the direction of your highest good. Surrendering to the spirit of God without resisting or attempting to control, opens the door to the peace within. It’s your choice to get discouraged or pulled down from opposition or rise up and rejoice in your blessings. What will you choose today?

Love and light,

Johnna Andrea Tuttle

Copyright © September 2,  2014, Andrea’s Wellness Center, All rights reserved

Prayer of Healing

Prayer of Healing

May those with poor health,

be guided to that which would heal them

and bring them back to balance.

May those that feel alone,

remember their connection to God

and be free from the illusion of separation.

May those that are addicted to anger,

have the courage to face their fears and be free.

May those that feel heartache,

allow the love of God to comfort, lift,

and heal them into wholeness.

May those who feel sadness,

awaken to the joy within.

May those that feel anxiety,

find the stillness of peace in their soul.

May those that live in fear,

discover the power of their light.

~Johnna Andrea Tuttle

Copyright ©  October 10, 2013, Andrea’s Wellness Center, All rights reserved

Questions that Open the Possibilities for Change

I begin my day walking in nature, pondering life, and asking God questions. One of the first questions I ask is, “How can I make a difference in the world?” This is a great way to be open to align myself with my purpose and God’s will. Some of the things we do may be grand and others things may be small. All are essential to benefit humanity. Through small and great things, we can make a positive change that will have a ripple effect on others, including ourselves.

These 10 questions can open up positive loving energy in your life and have a positive effect on those around you. Remember not to let your mind try to figure out the “How?” Let the universe figure out the how. Just open the door to the possibilities of the question you ask.

There are unlimited possibilities of how your day can unfold. Asking questions opens the doors to possibilities. These are just a few examples.  I suggest thinking of some of your own. It is important that you make it personal between you and God. If you will practice asking questions in the morning it will open your heart to the goodness within you, and the goodness in the world.

I suggest asking with real intent, humility, and a desire to serve others.   The best time to ask is first thing in the morning. Then go about your day and allow the opportunity to present itself. Then watch the miracle happen…………


1)      “How can I make a difference in the world?”

2)      “How can I show someone I love them today?”

3)      What emotions can I let go of today?

4)      How do I turn my weaknesses into strengths?

5)      Who do I need to forgive?

6)      What am I holding onto that no longer serves me?

7)      How can I enjoy more beauty in my life?

8)      Who can I kiss, hug, and tell I love you today?

9)      How can I share my spiritual gifts today?

10)   How much love can I accept from God today?


There is something more that happens than just receiving the answer to these questions. If you allow yourself to be guided you will witness the beauty of spirit unfolding before your eyes. It is a great tool to free your mind and open your heart to what is available to experience through divine power.

It is worth the experience. Give it a try!

Love and light,

Johnna Andrea Tuttle

Copyright © September 23,  2013, Andrea’s Wellness Center, All rights reserved

How Great is the Morning?

What I feel inspired to share with you, is how I start my morning. The actions that I take in the morning have a huge impact on the rest of the day. I felt it was important I share my experiences, so you could begin to reflect on how you begin your day.

Here are some of the actions I take to get in touch with the essence of my soul. The first thing I do when I open my eyes in the morning is become aware of my feelings, thoughts, and surroundings. I begin my day by acknowledging how comfortable my pillows, sheets, and bed feels against my body. I allow myself to feel supported in my space through the physical elements and through God’s love.  Second, I acknowledge anything I am feeling.  I have discovered that joy is a choice I make every day. The moment I wake up I can choose to be the joy I am or not. If I feel something other than joy I say 10 clearing statements, ask God 10 questions, and say 10 statements of gratitude. Then I picture myself in front of my creator and am open to that experience. When I do this I feel very open, alive, and clear. Then I go into mediation. Meditation brings us into awareness of our essence. When I feel complete I knee beside my bed to show humility and gratitude to my creator.  I usually feel inspired to write in my journal after this.

How do you start your day? Does anything I am sharing with you resonate with you? If you took the time to be still and listen to what you need to start your morning, what would be your answers?  When I consciously choose to be aware of my soul first thing in the morning my day is divinely guided in miraculous ways. Do miracles happen every day? I believe they do, whether we are aware of them or not. Getting in touch with the essence of our soul, we discover we are a miracle and everything is a reflection of God’s joy through us.

Love and light,

Johnna Andrea

Copyright ©  August 14, 2016, Andrea’s Wellness Center, All rights reserved

Loving Life

Sunday I felt a warm blanket of love and support around me, cradling me gently into a space of detachment. I could feel my thoughts disappear and my soul expand without limitations. I could feel the light within expanding, dispersing thoughts and beliefs other humans had projected onto me. There was a deep power within pulling me inward allowing me to reflect from the light within me. My inner light was beauty, glory, bliss, peace, and love. I could feel perfect beauty. I could feel the connection of light I am with all life. There was a greater awareness of connection to humanity at a deeper level than I have felt before. There was purpose for my light on earth without my mind trying to perceive or understand what it is.  My soul comprehended my purpose in such a way that I have no words to explain it. It is that glorious! My whole heart and soul was open to Christ and the glory of his love emulated through me and through everything and everyone on earth. I have often felt my light and feel and see the light in all creation, but this time the light is brighter. This time the capacity of my light, connection, and love had expanded.  Thoughts of the past had disappeared; all that was within me was the love, truth, peace, and knowledge from my experiences. These precious moments of life that allow me to feel the essence and beauty of my soul. There are my treasures from heaven, the heaven on earth within me.

The spirit that moves me in these experiences is the spirit that has moved me to create the products and services at Andreas Home Heaven on Earth. It comes from a love within me, to have those on the earth feel the love, peace and connection through God, each other, and the earth.

I share my spirit with you through my blog to honor the light that is within me and within you.  I am loving life and I would like to invite you to reflect on the experiences you are currently having in your life. You may or may not be enjoying life right now. Whatever you are experiencing, just allow yourself to be aware of your thoughts and feelings. Take time to be still and listen. Remember you do have a choice on how you think and feel. You have the power to change your life through your thoughts, emotions, and the direction of your heart. If you are loving life, then keep doing what you are doing. If not, are you ready to let go of the thoughts and feelings that get in the way of experiencing the full measure of your creation? Are there thoughts and emotions that have power over your life, that no longer serve you? Can you open your whole heart, body, and soul open to beauty of Christ’s love? Can you be willing to detach from the teachings of the world and be still to discover the truth and beauty that is within? I have taken the journey within to find beauty, love, peace, bliss, and the glory of God to experience life to the fullest. I invite you to take the journey within and access what your soul has to offer in the present moment. There are few things you can do to create that space for yourself. Some examples are to meditate, write in a journal, listen to affirmations,and spend time in nature. These are some of the ways to align yourself with God to feel connected and loved.  Try it and see what happens. You may begin to love life too!

Love and light,

Johnna Andrea Tuttle

Copyright © July 23, 2013, Andrea’s Wellness Center, All rights reserved

Beauty of the Heart

I am feeling a beautiful sense of peace. Regardless of what is happening in the world outside of me. I am peace. I am love. I am light.

Look into your heart and you will discover you are glorious. All is well. Be still, listen, experience, embrace the peace that surpasses all understanding. Are you aware of the beauty within?

Feel into the beauty of the heart and you will free yourself from the human ego. Let go of the selfish, self-centered vibrations that keep you in bondage. Stand in the truth of who you are and give of yourself. Share with those around you and you shall receive in the process. The more you give the more you will have to give.  Give from the unlimited source within you.

Sense the vibrations of the heart and you will discover you are abundant in love, light, truth, and behold the gifts of the spirit. Do you know the depth of love that exists within you? Let go of the lower vibrations of anger, fear, hurt, sadness, and doubt. Align with your purpose in living authentically from the love in your heart.

Listen to another’s heart and you will discover the change you are seeking comes within by releasing old patterns and false beliefs about the self. Your outside world will begin to reflect your inner light and truth. You will set yourself free from the illusions of the mind.

Touch another’s heart and you will go deeper and deeper within to access your perfection.  You will see you are progressing by divine order and awaken to all that is light. There is no separation from God in this space. God has always been with you and within you. You can see the God or Goddess in each other. Spirit is calling you to remember this truth through your experiences. Are you listening?

Judge another’s heart and you will have to forgive yourself for holding on to the illusions that have caused pain and suffering. Walk no more in darkness. Choose now in the present moment to walk each step in light. You are the light. We are all sacred and holy children of God.

Open your heart and feel the precious gift of life that is taken in with each breath you take. Allow you soul to be feed. Your life is a miracle of God. Honor your soul’s path. What did your soul come here to share and teach? Are you sharing? Are you teaching others knowledge from your life experience?

Discover the light in your heart and you will know you are known by your creator. You are a beloved child of God. Awaken to the immeasurable love within your heart. Joy eternal is the nature of your spirit. Do you remember the expression of joy you are? God is calling you to the wisdom of the ages through discernment and grace. Do you hear the voice of the Master?

Seek with a pure and honest heart and the mysteries of God can be received.  Things unexplained  shall be comprehended through the soul. Let go of the mind and feel into the beauty of the heart and you will open the door to the soul…….

Love and light,

Johnna Andrea Tuttle

Copyright ©March 2, 2013, Andrea’s Wellness Center, All rights reserved

The Power of Meditation

When I meditate I access the spiritual realms though the stillness in my soul.

In the stillness is my perfection. In the stillness I see myself clearly and all illusions fall away. All perceptions projected onto me and all false beliefs about who I am disperse and transform into light. I am in perfect balance emotionally, mentally, physically.  I am in alignment with my true essence. I experience wholeness, peace, joy. I experience the connection to God that has always been there.


Meditation is a time for listening, a time of letting go, and a time for being in the quiet space between thoughts of the mind. I feel the power of Creation of spirit in pure form and allow it to flow freely. I access God’s realm of abundance, peace, understanding, forgiveness, compassion, love, light and truth.


I am willing to receive all blessing that are available for me. I remember  the spiritual gifts I have to share. My heart is open and filled with love to share with my brothers and sisters on the earth. I am reminded of the sacred and holy place in my soul filled with pure light and pure love.


I experience oneness with God, humanity and all creation.

Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to my Blog! I am a life coach, author, and radio host. My blog is about the truths I have discovered on my life’s journey. I write my spiritual experiences to inspire others to remember the truth that is within them.  I believe the answers you are seeking in life are within you.  You already know the steps to take. You just need someone to remind you to be still and listen to your soul. God’s spirit speaks to us through our soul. Take a few moments to reconnect to your spirit. You can begin by taking some deep breaths. Breathe in for a few seconds, hold, then breathe out for a few seconds. Now sit back and relax while you enjoy reading my blog.

May you discover the truth within you, as I share the truth within me.

Love and light,

Johnna Andrea Tuttle